When students wear a school uniform, they feel included in our school community.
Students, teachers, parents and carers, as well as members of our local community helped develop our school uniform to make sure it:
meets the requirements of occupational health and safety, anti-discrimination and equal opportunity legislation
includes items that are affordable, comfortable and made from easy-care and easy-wear fabrics
is appropriate for the full range of school activities
is suitable for all body shapes.
Learn more about the NSW Department of Education’s School Uniform Policy.

About our uniform shop
The uniform shop is a sub-committee of the Terrey Hills Public School P&C. It is run by parent volunteers. Profits raised are donated back to the P&C.
We are always looking for extra hands to help us, so if you have any extra time or want more information don't hesitate to contact us.
For further information please contact Melanie Ross on: thps.uniformshop@yahoo.com
How to order your uniform
- Via Spriggy Schools app. Download the Spriggy Schools app, register your details and create a profile for each child. View Uniform Shop menu and add to cart, then 'place order' to confirm.
- Visit our shop - timetable for 2023 TBC. The uniform shop is located adjacent to the infant's playground.
Credit card payments can be made via Spriggy Schools orders online. Our uniform shop does not accept cash payments.
Orders placed using the online ordering system Spriggy Schools will be sent out to your child's classroom.
We happily exchange.
Term 1 and 4 = summer uniform
Term 2 and 3 = winter uniform
Good quality uniform donations accepted.
Second hand items always available for purchase, sizes subject to availability.
Uniform Shop 2024
The uniform shop will be open the day before students return to school:
Wednesday 31st January - 9am till 10.30am
Online Spriggy orders placed over the summer break will be available for pick up on the year 6 veranda whilst the shop is open. Any remaining orders will be delivered to classrooms for students to bring home once term commences.
Kindergarten opening
Monday 5th February - 8.45am till 9.15am for new starters and emergency orders.
Uniform Order Forms and Checklists