Terrey Hills Public School Parents and Citizens Association
It is of great benefit for each government school to have a P&C Association. The aim is to provide a forum in which parents can develop their partnership with the school and articulate their aspirations for their children's education.
What a P&C Association is
Terrey Hills Public School P&C Association was incorporated on 24 April 1998 and is a member of the P&C Federation. This means we have a constitution, by laws and agreed resolutions by which we operate.
P&C Federation Services
Terrey Hills Public School P&C meet on the second Tuesday of the month during school terms at 7.30pm in the staff lunch room located in the administration building.
Structure of our meetings
• Welcome
• Read and confirm minutes of previous meeting and discuss any matters arising from those minutes
• Correspondence In and Out
• Reports (Treasurer, Canteen, Kids Club, Events, Uniform Shop, School Council, Principal)
• Agenda Items on notice
• Other General Business
• Closing, confirm date of next meeting
Association Funds
Money raised by the P&C must be used for the benefit of the school. At the start of each year members will decide at a general meeting how funds will be disbursed. All funds of the P&C and sub committees are managed by the Treasurer and financial statements presented at each general meeting. At the conclusion of each calendar year the accounts are audited and consolidated financial statements are presented at the Annual General Meeting in March.
At times a majority of members may feel it appropriate to expend a limited amount of funds or occasional activities for certain individuals, as an expression of the association's esteem, recognition or condolences.
Our Committee Structure
P&C Executive
The following positions can be held on the Executive Committee: President, Vice President, Treasurer & Secretary.
The purpose of the P&C Executive is to:
• Promote the interests of the school by bringing parents, citizens, pupils and teaching staff into close co-operation
• Assist in providing facilities and equipment for the school and promoting the recreation and welfare of students at the school
• Encourage parent and community participation in curriculum and other education issues in the school
• Assist the teaching staff in establishment of school policy and management in all facets of school activity
Canteen Committee
The following positions can be held on the Canteen Committee: Convenor, Minute Taker, Bookkeeper, Roster Co-ordinator, Purchasing Officer & Special Events.
The purpose of the Canteen Committee is to:
• To provide balanced and nutritious food in line with the Nutrition in School Policy as implemented by the Department of Education and Communities.
• To provide a service to children and school community at a reasonable cost.
• To maintain legislative standards of health care in relation to the preparation, supply and service of food at the canteen.
Events Committee
The Events committee is made up of class parents. A member of the P&C Executive chairs the first class parents meeting and a minute secretary is chosen. They are responsible for the distribution of mail that is sent to the Events/Fundraising committee and for preparing minutes of any events meetings held. At the class parents meeting a list of events will be discussed and classes allocated to managing those events to ensure that they occur. All events are required to have a budget approved by the Treasurer and a co-ordinator nominated to represent that event. They are responsible for ensuring the appropriate record keeping.
The purpose of the Events Committee is to run events throughout the year to promote and encourage the social aspects amongst parents, to provide a social event for the children and to help celebrate special family days like Mothers Day and Fathers Day. A major fundraising event is held every year to raise additional funds that added to the surplus funds from the other sub committees gets allocated to resources, technology and major developments at the school not funded by the Department of Education.
Uniform Shop Committee
The following positions can be held on the Uniform Shop Committee: Convenor, Roster Co-ordinator, Purchasing Officer and Shop Assistants.
The purpose of the Uniform Shop Committee is to:
• Ensure that the uniform shop is stocked with current school uniform items to provide easy access for parents to purchase compulsory school uniforms at a reasonable price
• Ensure that the uniform shop is open and staffed adequately to provide a high standard of service to parents at regular scheduled times
• To maintain and update as required the uniform shop price list
• To attend kindergarten parent orientation sessions and display and explain the school uniform